Digital Culture Traits

  • 23 May, 2023
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Digital Culture is something prevalent pursued by modern organization. Its traits and characteristics however put also a lot of stress to the people living it, because the “always on mentality” and the “access on demand” between its participants cause less times to relax and recover. However there is a actual performance increase if a digital culture is applied, so the open question is how can it sustain excellently. Execellence in case is the scalability which should not depend on the amount of information a single participant can process but an general architecture approch which supports efficent and harmonized processes in an organization.

I suggest that e-participation holds the potential to change corporate culture in a way that improves company performance. If e-participation can be an impactful tool to shape organizational culture - expressed in behavior – I want to investigate this relationship.

Cutural transformations are highly complex. As each company culture is unique, different existing conditions and traditions matter in how a company approaches or rejects trans- formation. This shows that digital transformation has to be applied specifically matching the given organizational conditions. I will outline how such processes could be elaborated with e-participation.

The user-focused research is inspired by Plattner, Meinel, and Weinberg (2009), Goodhue and Thompson (1995) and F. D. Davis (1985) and focuses on the knowledge elicitation from the employees via interviews and surveys to create a thorough understanding of the daily challenges, measure the acceptance and the perceived performance of possible implementations. The following sub-questions (SQ) emerged to interrogate the main research question. The sub-questions were further developed with the ultimate aim in mind to enable the development of a leading framework for a solution prototype.

SQ1: What is the importance of culture for companies? I observe which cultural properties define the importance of culture for a specific company. I further analyze the effects of these properties on the businesses, described in the literature. I further differentiate between digital- and non-digital properties and conclude on the value of the digital properties. • SQ2: How does digital culture influence employees? My interview questions targeted especially changes in the behavior at work (e.g. participation, the possibility that business performance can be enhanced, number of working hours, personal perceived changes). • SQ3: What is important for employees to accept the digital transformation? I measure the ”attractiveness” of certain factors found in a case study and literature with help from the interviews. I designed the questions similar to the IS framework ”task-technology fit model” from Sprenger (2016), the results enabling me to derive a quantitative attractiveness value. • SQ4: Can e-participation help to improve a digital culture of a company? In my interview questions, I target the question of how far e-participation can support the properties of digital culture. I tackle this question with a qualitative approach. • SQ5: How can an organizational culture become digital? I identify different approaches from a case study and further literature. • SQ6: How can the success of e-participation be measured? I derive performance measures from the 3-C-model (often referred to in enterprise social software research, section 2.4), ”collaboration”, ”communication” and ”coordi- nation” and measure the impact of e-participation in these three areas. By analyzing the correlation of these 3-C-performance measures and the general business key per- formance indicators (KPIs), the impact of e-participation on the success of the overall business can be analyzed.